Quick Overview
Three Dozen of Red Roses Bouquet is our Most Popular Rose bouquets to deliver on valentines day, Anniversary , Women’s day.
Three Dozen of Red Roses Bouquet Includes:
- 36 Red Roses Flowers
- 1 Imported stem of Baby’s Breath
- Wrapping colors may vary ( Depends upon Availability )
- Green Fillers
Note: Please consult with our support agent, before placing this specific order. We’ll add alternate flowers, if tulips are not available and if you ordered without consulting.
This design is hand-arranged and delivered by a team member of SendFlowers.pk
Flowers Delivery Available: Only LAHORE, ISLAMABAD, RAWALPINDI only.
*Same Day Delivery Available
*If flowers not available, we’ll add alternate as per our substitution policy.
Saneha butt –
Very professional, on time, great customer service, prices, and products! Highly recommended!
Kashaan Abid –
Best service. Awesome customer service.
Hasan Ali –
Had a really good experience with them. Doesn’t matter if you order a relatively cheap item. they will fulfill it in most professional manner.
Yasin Ahmed –
Amazing service always. Product matches perfectly what’s been ordered, and the customer service through delivery is excellent as they keep you updated on WhatsApp very regularly and with pictures.