What are Cookies?

Cookies are little bits of information that websites store on your computer when you visit them. A website might use a cookie to store the fact that you’ve logged in to their website; that way when you return, you don’t need to log in again. If it’s an e-commerce website, it might store your currency preference. Cookies only contain information that you or the website itself provides. Cookies don’t allow websites any extra access to your files or personal information than what you provide it with

How to enable cookies on your mobile device?

SendFlowers.pk websites require the use of cookies for better performance and functionality. If you block cookies in your browser, you may have trouble borrowing titles and using other core features while browsing or paying on our website. You can enable cookies in your mobile browser by using the steps below.

Enabling cookies in Safari for iOS (iPhone/iPad/iPod touch)

  1. From your home screen, go to Settings > Safari.
  2. Make sure “Block All Cookies” is turned off.
    Once this is set, you can browse SendFlowers.pk websites normally.
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Enabling cookies in Chrome for Android?

  • Open Chrome.
  • Go to More menu > Settings > Site settings > Cookies.
    You’ll find the More menu icon in the top-right corner.
  • Make sure cookies are turned on.
    Once this is set, you can browse SendFlowers.pk websites normally.

How to Enable Cookies for MAC Safari?

This guide will step you finished the process of configuring Cookies in Safari.

1. Click the “Safari” menu, choose “Preferences”

Make sure you have a Safari window open and active; you will see the “Safari” menu in the top left of your screen. Click it, and then click the “Preferences” item.

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2. Click on the “Privacy” tab

The contents of the Privacy tab screen will now appear.

3. Choose your preferred Cookies setting

On the Privacy Preferences tab, you will see the “Cookies and website data:” choices.

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These options mean:

  • Always block – all Cookies, including third-party cookies (eg.from advertisers and web-trackers) will be blocked in Safari. Safari won’t allow any cookies to be stored, however you will probably encounter problems with some websites; for example, being unable to log in.
  • Allow from current website only – only cookies from the website you are currently visiting will be allowed in Safari
  • Allow from websites I visit – Safari will allow all cookies from the website you are visiting and only allow cookies from third-party sites if you have also specifically been to that website before.
  • Always allow – Safari will allow all cookies to be set – both from websites you are visiting and from any third-parties who have plugins or trackers on those websites.

4. Close the Preferences window

Once you have configured your cookie blocking preferences, you can simply close this window and continue using Safari.

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Congratulations, you just configured Cookies in Safari.