Classic 10 Red Roses Bouquet


(3 customer reviews)
13 People watching this product now!

“A stunning arrangement of 10 red roses, Fresh bunch of Forever Red Roses perfect for expressing your affection in a classic way.”

Classic 10 Red Roses Bouquet includes:

3.5 feet teddy
(Color and design can vary according to availability or you can confirm from customer support)
Same flower day delivery in lahore
3 to 4 days before booking for islamabad and karachi
7 days before booking for other cities



Payment Methods:

payment method at Send Flowers Lahore


“A stunning arrangement of 10 red roses, Fresh bunch of Forever Red Roses perfect for expressing your affection in a classic way.”

Classic 10 Red Roses Bouquet includes:

3.5 feet teddy
(Color and design can vary according to availability or you can confirm from customer support)
Same flower day delivery in lahore
3 to 4 days before booking for islamabad and karachi
7 days before booking for other cities

This product will deliver by team member or by a courier.
Real Products / Design may vary – Depending on the Item’s Availability.
If any flower or item is not available, we’ll add a substitute as per our replacement policy. offers same-day delivery in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi, Pakistan. T&C apply.

Customer Reviews

3 reviews for Classic 10 Red Roses Bouquet

  1. Mariya Danish

    The experience was wonderful, got same day delivery as I live in Lahore. The gifts were amazing and nicely packaged. I highly recommend for all your gifting needs

  2. Sib Choudhary

    Value Of Money
    On Time Delivery

    It is always an awesome experience with you.. you guys always do your efforts beyond our expectations. Highly appreciated .. JazakAllah. Keep it up♥️????

  3. uk Online

    Value Of Money
    On Time Delivery

    Excellent service and beautiful products. I can not fault them.

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