A masterpiece of love and passion, this bouquet showcases the beauty of red roses and elegant blooms, True Love’s Hand Tied Bouquet Online is perfect gift to express your deep affection.
True Love’s Bouquet Includes:
- 3 Chocolates
- 2 Imported Rose (color can vary according to availability)
- 1 Baby breath flowers
- Black Wrapping
- Same Day Delivery Lahore, Islamabad and Karachi
- Wrapping Design May Vary City to City
This product will deliver by Sendflowers.pk team member or by a courier.
Real Products / Design may vary – Depending on the Item’s Availability.
If any flower or item is not available, we’ll add a substitute as per our replacement policy.
Sendflowers.pk offers same-day delivery in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi, Pakistan. T&C apply.
Shahzaib Gillani –
The products are beautiful and have great quality. Excellent customer service too.