Golden Shade of Love Bouquet is one of the best red roses bouquet you ever think. Send this special design bouquet from United Arab Emirates, UK, Canada, and United state to Pakistan.
Golden Shade of Love include:
- 7 imported red roses bouquet
- wrapping color can be vary according to availability.
- Substitute things will be added in case of no availability.
- Same day delivery in Lahore , Islamabad , and karachi.
- For other cities order 4 to 5 days before. offers same-day delivery in Lahore Pakistan. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Basheer Ahmed –
I use their services quite frequently and I am always pleased with the customer service delivery and quality. Highly recommended. They also provide proof of delivery via pictures and a signature.
Kristina Sikorskaja –
Great service, very recommended!
Dua Khan –
sendflowers is hands down the most amazing flower shop ever! They totally nailed it with their on-time flower delivery. And let me tell you, those flowers were absolutely stunning and fresh, Masha Allah! I was beyond satisfied, like seriously beyond my wildest expectations, Alhamdulilah! ❤️