For the best and freshest flowers in Pakistan , Forget-Me-Not Florist Bouquet has exactly what you’re looking for! Check out our wide selection of flower arrangements online or come see us and all our new in store items
Forget Me Not Florist Bouquet Bouquet includes:
- 15 Red roses flowers stems.
- Beats around stems all over to the bottom.
- Free Greeting card.
- Delivery only available in Lahore.
- 3 to 4 days before booking for other cities and additional delivery charges will be applicable.
This design is hand-arranged and delivered by a team member of or by courier.
Flowers delivery is available in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi.
If flowers not available, we’ll add alternate as per our substitution policy* offers same-day delivery in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi Pakistan. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Najam Sheikh –
Excellent service, loved the flowers and the card, and the prompt delivery