Dream Bouquet is for your loved one is a creative combination of attractive white roses. This elegant, special, spectacular is a same-day deliverable Dream Bouquet gift. Send this arrangement today and surprise someone dear to you.
Dream Bouquet Includes:
- 100 white roses
- 5 baby breath
- Order for Birthday, Anniversary, Valentine, Just For You, Women’s Day or for any occasion
This design is hand-arranged and delivered by a team member of SendFlowers.pk or by courier.
Flowers delivery is available in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi.
If flowers not available, we’ll add alternate as per our substitution policy*
SendFlowers.pk offers same-day delivery in Lahore, Islamabad, Rawalpindi, and Karachi Pakistan. Terms & Conditions Apply.
Aimen Rehman –
Been a regular customer from the past 3 years now! And I’ve not been disappointed even once by their service and quality of flowers. Hands down the most reliable and my go to place for the best flowers, especially if you’re living abroad and getting them send to somewhere in Pakistan. I would recommend this place to everyone. It’s amazing 🙂
Sanaullah Khan –
Perfect way to send loved ones gifts in an easy and unique way. 100% recommended.
Kabir Akbar –
Highly recommend Send flowers! Their staff is highly professional, efficient and accommodating and their service is super quick!
Amal Ali –
Excellent customer service. The sendflowers.pk you have become my got flower shop for any occasion. Truly truly a company that believes in customer service. Keep up the great work. You have won me as a loyal customer
Syed Saqib –
I don’t usually post reviews. However, this team has done so much over the years as i usually lived abroad away from my family and friends and every time i used their service to surprise my family and friends they have done a top notch job.
Keep up the good work. Best of luck guys
Naina Islam –
I ordered Balloons and flowers it was so pretty and they even added a complimentary birthday balloon + the customer service is just love ❤️