Quick Overview
Send pink flowers today with our Delightfully Pink bouquet! Overflowing with fresh flowers including pink spray roses, white lilies and pink wax flowers. If you know someone who loves pink, they will surely smile when this arrangement is delivered to their door. Arranged by a local florist in a pink vase and delivered with a personalized card message. Measures 14″H by 11″L.
Delightfully Pink This Design Includes:
• Pink Spray Roses
• Pink Waxflower
• White Monte Casino
• Hand Tied Pink Bow
Note: Please consult with our support agent, before placing this specific order. We’ll add alternate flowers, if tulips are not available and if you ordered without consulting.
This design is hand-arranged and delivered by a team member of SendFlowers.pk
Flowers Delivery Available: Only LAHORE, ISLAMABAD, RAWALPINDI only.
*Same Day Delivery Available
*If flowers not available, we’ll add alternate as per our substitution policy
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