The Clear Blue Skies Bouquet is inspired by nature’s beauty! This is a stunning bouquet created by a florist with all fresh flowers. Arranged with Creme Roses, white carnations, purple statice and white asiatic lilies. All the flowers are arranged in a glass blue vase, which is delivered by hand. Delivery same day is available, with a card message to make the flower delivery personal.
CLEAR BLUE SKIES BOUQUET this Design Includes:
- Imported Flowers.
- Creme Roses
- White Asiatic Lilies
- White Miniature Carnations
- Purple Statice
This design is hand-arranged and delivered by a team member of
Flowers Delivery Available: Only LAHORE, ISLAMABAD, RAWALPINDI only.
*Same Day Delivery Available
*If flowers not available, we’ll add alternate as per our substitution policy
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